TIPS For Women with Morning Sickness..

Among my friends who have had kids, I think I was the only one with serious morning sickness. I also happen to be hyper acidic all thanks to my genes and maybe at some level my eating habits. The first five months of my pregnancy were tough with horrible morning sickness (Lost approximately 10 – 15 kgs). So this for expecting mothers with morning sickness:

  • Let People know –

Being a working expecting mom it was comforting to have colleagues who knew I had morning sickness and was pregnant. The morning sickness sometimes would get horrible, could not bear the smell of certain foods which again caused nausea and puking and having people around who were sympathetic and understanding was simply great.

  • Carry some essentials –

If you are a working expecting mom with morning sickness be sure to carry maybe a mouth freshener or mouth wash and even some deodorant or perfume. This worked for me because having a foul taste in my mouth would make me feel more sick or even the smell that would remain in the loo would be too much for me to bear. I used to say I have a dog nose before I got pregnant because I could tell if a rat or something died or some food had gone bad before others and I guess that just got heightened during my pregnancy.

  • Try different foods –

This includes fruits, the first few months I could not keep anything down, be it milk, dal, roti, rice anything so I tried fruits and Bingo it worked for me like a wonder. I had a lot of pomegranate and banana, apples and fruit salad. You could also try cold raw vegetables like cucumber or tomatoes.

  • Avoid Spicy, Greasy food –

Spicy was a total no no for me considering I don’t like spicy food even otherwise and being hyper acidic it is a complete no no. Greasy food with lot of oil and ghee is said to cause acidity.

  • Have smaller and more meals –

Reduce your food portions but have more meals. This doesn’t exactly help with morning sickness but it helps avoid acid formation in your stomach due to constant puking and being empty stomach and thus at least you don’t have nausea because of acidity.

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